Wednesday 30 July 2008

Architecture; Interior; Sports World International

The reason I ve decided to debate a post on this isn't because of the clothes they sell, the colours they use, there identity. Its because of the way the interior has been designed and laid out although for a lot of you who have shopped there in the past may think ' but its just a mess' it is actually designed to be layed out and planned like this..... and guess what it works!! hugely works. I worked for the company for 5 years in the one same shop and I know myself trying to just get to the next floor is a nightmare. People with prams cursing and screaming about the lack of space cues of single isles weaving down to the tills at the back huge metal ball bins slammed right in your way just as you think your at the till, which yes is at the very very very back of the store, not at the front like most stores so you can pay as you leave.
All this is done on purpose, stands are crammed onto the shop floor to make it harder for people to get past for the simple reson that it makes them stop and look at the stand!! As there fighting there way past I would see them all the time swearing and getting annoyed due to lack of space then suddenly stop and ' oooo that looks nice' pick it and continue on this would happen all the way to the tills at the back. Thus the tills are placed at the back so the customers have no other choice than to pass every single stand and have no choice but to view every single item before they can pay and in most cases ensures they leave with a lot more than what they came in for.

Sports World is now almost a Monopoly in the department store market with only JJB competing with them.
I think the statistics speak for themselves at how clever Architecturally interior designing of a shop even in the case of being annoying to the customer actually works. Super markets like Asda and Tesco are the same, its all about getting the customer to notice and be interested in as many items as possible.

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