Friday 1 August 2008

Artist; Yoshitomo Nara

I actually first noticed this artists work in the Baltic Flour mill As pre-mentioned in one of my earlier posts and his work immediately stuck with me and so I started looking into his work and collection and they are a vast funny, original, different and interesting collection of work.

Yoshitomo in my mind uses his talent to bring ordinary everyday people and there actions to life by simple and stimulating illustrations. He has produced thousands of pictures and he often goes to small villages and observes the community and begins to base and draw his illustrations on the people in the community depicting out things that they are doing which are unique. It shows a very simple way of how otherwise normal things that we overlook and don't notice can become intriguing and interesting. His style is very individual and he seems to always use pastel colours and light tones, he uses outlines rather than dark and light shading to depict shadows and depth, however some use of gradual gradient can be seen in the dominant black and whites. The picture below is a great example of how ordinary life can be brought alive and become fascinating through Yoshitomo's characteristic illustrations.

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