Tuesday 29 July 2008

Design; Coke a Cola the can, bottle, slogan

The coke side of life!! I love illustration and I especially have always liked cokes, I've never yet seen a more interesting glass bottle, not only do you get coke out of it but just look at these adverts and see what else you can get from coke. The colours used are very specific and unique and proclaim mountains of emotions and feelings and also symbolisms.
The far left one reminds me of the 'beautiful game' quite a few years ago with the old full colour strips and real raw passion and emotion behind each player.
The middle one gives me strong vibes of real Spain, strong intense red with blues and violets a fast pace samba dance, with rhythm and feeling behind it.
The far right one again is similar although veering more on the Jamaican side of life all chilled like Bob Marley feelings strong nature and going back to your roots feelings away from city life and hustle and bustle.
What is also different about these adverts is that the colours and images used are generated from other cultures other than English but also ' the coke side of life' is printed in another language and says something different, i think about music, enhancing the 'samba' essence feel.

I love the way Coke introduces another side of life its always been ' always coca cola' or or the coke side of life both two very powerful statements to make but i think they live up to there slogan through there design, the coke bottle is such a symbolic icon now and to hold and touch and feel, its great, it feels solid in your hand through the thick glass they use slightly, coloured blue to give that chilled feeling and the deep dark black and browns fizzing inside, it feels like your holding more than just a bottle.The bottle hasn't really changed much over the years and of course they ve always kept that distinct embossed cocal cola on the side.

I always feel like coke is constantly the in thing and cool to drink it never seems to get old and fizzle out like how i feel Pepsi has. They always manage to keep it fresh and I think its strongly to do with the designing of the bottle and strong use of slogans that keep them in the now.

'The classic 6.5 ounce contour bottle was developed at the Root Glass Company in 1915 as part of a nationwide competition for a standard bottle for Coca-Cola.

Until the development of this unique package, bottlers had used straight-sided containers in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

The contour bottle received a rare distinction for packaging when, in 1977, it was granted registration as a trademark by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Experts estimate that the contour bottle is recognized by 90% of the world‘s population.'


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