Wednesday 6 August 2008

Book; Of mice and men

The best laid plans of mice and men dont always work out as planned. The book follows the storyof two men in the industrial revolution age travelling across America seeking work with a final dream in hand. One of the men is a smart man who has worked all his life, the other has a disability and is not as you would say very switched on. Regardless of this they stay together seeking work where they can find it with one looking after the other. There dream is to one day settle down in a nice quiet cottga ein the mountains with vegetable patches and easy living. But the best laid plans of men do not always work out right, when lenny the one with a disability screws it all up. It is referenced along side mice becausethey are just like us they collect food and build a home trying to make it in the world travelling where neds be, but lenny has an obsession with them for a pet, but keeps killing them becasue of his sheer size and his disability, he doesnt know how hard to hold them. Thus it goes hand in hand and follows the story of all the trouble lenny gets them both into and the final action his friend must take to rectify the situation and maybe fulfill there dream. It is a book that you personally can relate to as we all have plans that dont seem to work out just as how we want them too.


Joseph Keirs said...

I've never got round to reading it... but the movie was good, think we might have watched it at school or something many moons ago.

In fact, I think the above image is from the movie, which is interesting as I never remembered John Malkovich being that big a guy. Maybe Gary Sinise is just tiny?

Thanks for reminding me of a classic read, my parents have a little book shop so I'll have to have a nosey around.

dannyboy said...

I had to read this as part of my GCSE course work - it's a really good book and at the end you feel really sorry for the two key characters (I'm not going to say what happens, but the title does give it away abit). said...

I also read this at school and really enjoyed it... I also saw the production with what I thought was an unlikely role for Matthew Kelly. As it turns out, he gave one of the best performances I have ever seen in theatre, and a few people I was with ended up shedding a tear at the end! It is a very powerful book which translates into the play as well. Its a great book that everyone should read at some point!