Tuesday 9 September 2008

Film; The Blue Planet (Documentary)

I know its not technically a film but I really wanted to share my thoughts on the amazing and truly fascinating documentary of our blue world. Being a BSAC sports diver and having dived in England, Asia, Turkey, Spain and Australia whilst living there for a year, surfing on a regular basis, I ve developed a huge interest and respect for our seas. The life in the sea, the power of the sea and the physical effect that the sea has on us and the world we live in is often overlooked. The Blue Planet goes where people didn't even know existed and the marine life and animals the documentary uncovered, some, had never before been seen by man. The fact that more people have been to the moon than the places they investigated, to me shows how ignorant we are of our own planet. Very rarely do you see documentary's uncovering the mysteries of the deep blue ocean and this one is defiantly one of the those special rarities that was aired over our televisions. Films can have amazing special effects fantastic acting, historical quotes that last for years and years, but there all planned. When you stumble upon and new species in a place on our planet that has never been explored before and see it in its natural place unplanned, unpredicted, then I think that can be better film than any perfectly scripted movie and thats exactly what the Blue Planet series delivered.

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