Wednesday 10 September 2008

Book; Flanimals

I think the creativity behind Flanimals is awsome!! The way each Flanimal has its own personality, some are complex and some are just so simple and the way they are all linked like a true animal kingdom gives it that almost non fictional sense. Ricky Jervais has always been a favorite of mine and the book really expels his sense of humor, the book isn't only designed for children, there is a lot of thinking behind the animals and the story's and descriptions of them are quite intellectual.

From that the graphic illustrations of each Flanimal is really interesting they look fascinating, right down to the little details such as the eyes, hair and body parts. Its a great short book to get lost in and slip away from everyday stresses. I sometimes find myself evening comparing the struggles in my life to theres and I soon realize mine aren't as bad, especially for the unlucky Flanimals that are born inside out or who get eating by all the other Falnimals. The book inspired me to dig out all my old math books and lecture pads with all my own personal animal drawings on from being young right up to current day lectures and I begin digitally illustrating them with my graphics tablet in illustrator. The characters so far are on my website in my portfolio. This book is a defnit for the shelf in the easy reading funny pile for when your feeling a bit down or stressed, I haven' t yet seen the second book but i'm sure it'll be just as good.

1 comment:

Caz said...

I to love flanimals, i dont care if they are 'meant' for children, i think everyone can get something from at least one of the characters!